Mahjong Party is not only about learning how to play the game. It is also about the community and cultural aspect of the game. When Mona was growing up, she would spend several days with her Mom preparing food for the mahjong party. It was always a treat to eat so many cultural treats from Hong Kong and Macau. We are working on bringing these cultural dishes and stories from the mahjong community to you. We want to show you everything involved in having a Mahjong Party - all aspects of how to play the game, how to host your own mahjong party, the recipes to make, the best food to buy or bring along, how to set up and host a mahjong party for anywhere from 4 people up to 16 people or more!
Let's Connect!
We are passionate about working with others who love the game of mahjong and the cultural community around it. Here are some ways to connect with us:
Write in with your story:
Have a mahjong story or poem to share? We know the deep roots mahjong has for so many of us. Send us your story and you may see it on our blog, website or social media channels.
Mahjong food:
Would you like to share your recipes, cooking videos, or links to your channel for us to feature? Food photography is also welcome. Subject matter needs to be food that would be prepared for a mahjong party. Recipe videos that contain Cantonese, Macaense Patua, or Mandarin subtitles are welcome for submission.
Do you have mahjong related products you wish to showcase on our site, blog, or social media? Feel free to reach out! We will consider collaborations, may provide advertising space, or do a guest interview with you.
Please contact us at LOVETOPLAYMJ@GMAIL.COM for all ideas and submissions. Due to volume of interest and ongoing projects, our reply may be delayed.
Not sure what mahjong even is? We have a free mini Ebook for you! All mahjong knowledge begins with an introduction to mahjong tiles. You can learn about some of the tiles in our Ebook. Click here to get it: